Friday, July 27, 2018

Vision for the mission (Funding ministry)

In another post, I wrote about the vision God has given me to plant a church and run other subsidiaries within that ministry. In this update, I want to talk about an idea God gave me to generate income to turn and operate these ideas. I release this post publicly, knowing full well that God can protect the idea and get it into the hands of children of the kingdom who will steward it faithfully.

United Sharpshooters Championship (USC)

This idea is for a new entertainment/sports league that features current and ex-military personnel from all branches of the U.S. services. The program will be divided into two separate sections:
The first half of the show will feature vignettes of each contestant appearing on the show, including military background, training, and personal life (family, children, etc.)

The second half will feature the actual game...
The structure of the game will consist of an arena containing brick walls throughout the field. Each contestant will start at opposite sides of the course, armed with military-grade rifles loaded with real ammo that has had the metal tips of the bullets removed and replaced with paintball heads. Out of three timed rounds, each player will have a certain amount of time to shoot his/her opponent as best as they can.

Each contestant will wear a white jumpsuit with different parts of their body lined off to distinguish different “hit points.” Each part of their body will be sectioned off and will be appointed a number of points for each successful shot that lands there. Moreover, certain areas of the body will be designated “kill zones” so that if any shot hits either of these places, the one who inflicts the shot automatically wins as they have hit their opponent in a critical location. Such places on the body will include headshots and chest/heart shots.

This is an original idea that takes sports to an entirely new level. Military sports entertainment is an endeavor that has yet to be tapped into yet. With the rise of hostility between rivaling nations in the world, this idea ramps up the interest in U.S. military. I believe this idea is a winner not only for viewers who will tune in to watch this, but it will also prove to be a massive success in advertising. I believe as ratings increase as people watch this, the government will take action and purchase advertising space to entice prospective new enlistees in the armed forces too. The bottom line is that this idea is a money maker. However, it will take considerable amounts of funding to get off the ground. First, ammo makers in the states would have to be willing to engineer bullets that have paintball heads that can be fired out of real rifles. Anything less than the real thing would not be authentic, and interest will wane. This idea is built upon real soldiers with real guns competing against one another.

The system of play could be a bracket system, pitting players against each other until a final head to head to determine a champion. The windfall of the ultimate winner could be determined by however many investors decide to invest in this idea. My guess of an approximate windfall amount would be 1 million dollars to the final victor.

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